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Friday, December 16, 2005


First idea for my website

Time inputted 9:30pm NZ time 16th December 2005

A fridge that allows you to see in it (like clear glass) when you want to find what to choose to pull out of it. But normally is not able to be seen in otherwise.
I was thinking possibly the invention of the frosted/clear contact glass may be an idea for this.
Reason: Saving power!!, Saving the fridge (not burning out sooner).

Monday, December 05, 2005

So close to xmas, getting excited

Having a whole 3 weeks of work off. Don't get me wrong I love my job. But the joy of being able to sleep in and not care what the time is, and getting out of Auckland travel sounds like a piece of heaven to me at the moment. I can't wait to catch up with family and to have time out with my boyfriend. Bliss

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Well hello Google blog

What a great idea google a blogger thats nice and easy to use. And you are able to put your google news link on. And I'm able to ramble till my heart's content.