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Saturday, March 29, 2008

weigh in today

Going back down again :-)
22nd March 08 - 140
29th March 08 - 137.6

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Decided to change the bridesmaid dress to something heaps better
found at this site - My bridesmaid dress will look more like the one at the bottom but the colour will be a slight off white colour. Don't let their website fool you, they are still around and can be contacted on (great prices) - their webmaster is sorting out the link breaks. Kathy is great to communicate with.

and my dressing is looking great. Sally is a brilliant communicator and seamstress, it will have 3/4 sleeves with lace on the sleeves and a squared lace neckline. I just love it. Sally's website is

Monday, March 24, 2008

Acronyms grrrrrrrr

OMG this is doing my head in- Data Communication Fundamentals
Watch as this list grows for ease of use I will put this in Alphabetical order - finally finished

AC - Alternating Current
ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (2 separate frequencies, telephone & data over the 1 phone line)
AUI - Attachment Unit Interface
ANSI - American National Standards Institute (Established 1918)
AM - Amplitude Modulation
APPN - Advanced Peer to Peer Networking
ARP - Address Resolution Protocol
ARQ - Automatic Repeat Request (Yes Request is correct)
ARPANet - Advanced Research Projects Administration Network
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Asynchronous Transfer Mode
BCC - Block Check Character
BER - Bit Error Rate
Bisync (Not really an acronym) - Binary Synchronous comunication
BNC - Bayonet Nut Connector
BRI - Basic R ate Interface
Brouters (Not really an acronym) - Devices that both bridge and route
CIDR - Classless Interdomain Routing
CCITT - Consultative Committee for International Telephony and Telegraphy (part of ITU formed in 1956) - in 1993 renamed to ITU-T
CMIP - Common Management Information Protocol
CMIS - Common Management Information Services
CNM - Communication Network Management
Coax (Not really an acronym) - Coaxial Cable
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Checksum (also called polynomial error detection)
CRT - Cathode Ray Tube
CSMA/CD - Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
CSU - Channel Service Unit
CSU/DSU - Channel Service Unit/ Data Service Unit
CTS - Clear-to-send
DASD - Direct Access Storage Device
DC - Direct Current
DCE - Data Communication Equipment
DDD - Direct Distance Dial
DES - Data Encryption Standard
DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DIB - Directory Information Base
DISOSS - Distributed Office Support System
DOS - Disc Operating System
DNA - (Digital Equipment Corporation's) Digital Network Architecture
DNS - Domain Name Service or Domain Name System
DPCM - Differential Pulse Code Modulation
DQDB - Distributed Queue Dual Bus
DSU - Data Service Unit
DTE - Data Terminal Equipment
EBCDIC - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
EDI - Electronic Data Interchange
EIA - Electrical Industries Alliance
EIA/TIA - Electrical Industries Alliance/ Telecommunications Industry Association
EFI - Electrical Frequency Interface
e-mail - (Not really an acronym) Electronic Mail
EOF - End Of File
EOT - End Of Transmission
ETX - End-Of-Text
FC - Carrier Frequency
FCS - Frame Check Sequence
FDDI - Fibre Distributed Data Interface
FDM - Frequency Division Multiplexing
FEC - Forward Error Correction
FM - Modulation Frequency
FQDN - Fully Qualified Domain Name
FTP - File Transfer Protocol
HDLC - High Level Data Link Control
HFC - Hybrid Fibre/ Coaxial (cable) - contains both optical fibre and copper cables
I/O - Input/Output
IAB - Internet Architectures Board (Internet protocols and procedures, advice on creation of the internet standards.) www.iablorg/iab
IANA - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (responsible for coordinating the assignment of Internet domain names and addresses)
International Business Machines
IC - Integrated Circuits
ICA - Integrated Communications Adapter
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IETF - Internet Engineering Taskforce (developing technical standards for the Internet)
InterNIC - Internet Network Information Centre (provides domain name registration, IP assignment, directory of directories and publicly accessible database.)
IOCS - Input/Output control System
IPX - Internet Packet Exchange
ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network
ISO - Internet Standards Organisation (started in 1947)
ISOC - (The) Internet Society, looks into Social, Political and Technical Issues
ISP - Internet Service Provider
ITU - International Telecommunications Union (began in 1860's - 20 countries agreed to standardise telegraph networks)
LAN - Local Area Network
LAPB - Link Access Procedure Balanced
LLC - Local Link Control
LRC - Longitudinal (Horizontal) Redundancy Checking
LTE - Line Termination Equipment
MAC (addresses) - Media/Medium Access Control
MAN - Metropolitan Area Network
MAU - Multistation access unit
MIB - Management Information Base
MILNet - Military Network
MSAU or MAU - Multistation access unit
NIC - Network Interface Card
NFS - Network File System
NSF - National Science Foundation
NSS - Nodal Switching System
OSF - Open Software Foundation
OSI (model) - Open Systems Interconnection
PAD - Packet Assembly/disassembly device
PAM - Pulse Amplitude Modulation
PBX - Private Branch Exchange
PCM - Pulse Code Modulation
PDU - Protocol Data Unit
PM - Phase Modulation
POTS - Plain Old Telephone System
PPM - Pulse Position Modulation
PRI - Primary Rate Interface
PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network
PU - Physical Unit
PVC - Permanent Vertical Circuit
QoS - Quality of Service
RF (modems) - Radio-Frequency
RFI - Radio Frequency Interface
RG-58 A/U - Radio Grade 58
RIP - Router Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
RPC - Remote Procedure Call
RS-232 - Recommended Standard (protocol approved by the EIA)
RU - Request/response Unit
RVI - Reverse Interrupt
SAP - Service Access Point
SDLC - Synchronous Data Link Control
SDM - Space Division Multiplexing
SMDS - Switched Multimegabit Data Services
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNA - Systems Network Architecture
SNADS - Systems Network Architecture Distribution Services
SNR - Signal-to-noise ratio
SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol
SONET - Synchronous Optical Network
SQL - Structured Query Language
SRB's - Source Routing Bridges
SSCP - System Services Control Point (SNA)
STD - Subscriber Trunk Dialling
STDM - Statistical time division multiplexing
STP - Shielded Twisted Pair
SVC - Switched Vertical Circuit
T1 MUX - T1 Multiplexer
TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TCAM - Telecommunication Access Method
TDM - Time Division Multiplexing
TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol
TH - Transmission header
TIA - Telecommunications Industry Association
TLD's - Top Level Domains
UDP - User Datagram Protocol
UTP - Unshielded Twisted Pair
VDU - Visual Display Unit
VR - Virtual Route
VT - Virtual Terminal
VRC - Vertical Redundancy Checking
VTAM - Virtual Telecommunications Access Method
WAN - Wide Area Network
WATS - Wide Area Telephone Service
WDM - Wave Division Multiplexing
XNS - Xerox Network Services

Silly me - my reply to my comment on the 23rd Feb 2008

I have screen dumped what I actually said, as most people don't have Japanese characters software.

I thought I would try babel fish because I knew what I was saying.
It came out with rubbish. Be warned when using babel fish.

I put in the first part of my message to Soliton. Which says in English.

"Sorry/Excuse me. I speak a little Japanese. How do you do. Good evening Soliton."

It came out with...
"The 。which the う a little you speak Japanese which is not completed the じ め increasing, densely it is, it is "Soliton" -"

I contacted them, they told me to speak to Systran who is actually trying to sell this software commercially. I would not use their software, heaven knows what I have been saying to people thinking that babel fish was at least partially correct. *frowns*

Although my fiance Richard, seems to be having more luck with English to French and back again.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Weigh in

OMG - not happy with myself, I weighed in at 140 pounds again. Back to spark people with my tail between my legs. I have to remind myself this is only a step back not a fall off the wagon. I have after all still lost 40 pounds. I just want to loose that 20 pounds again as well.

Friday, March 21, 2008

My heart

My heart goes out to the Tibetan people - If you believe that China should get out like I do. Please click on this link and put your name to the freedom of the Tibetan people.


Here I am in bed watching the movie "Super Volcano" and the lead actor had been asked to say that it was going to be smaller than they thought it was going to be. I know this is just a movie, but I have experienced this type of thought process over and over again.
Reminding me there are more important things than making money and anything else than being honest and keeping your integrity. I very strongly believe in honesty, integrity and I am not sorry if sometimes this is an annoyance for some people.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Orange Blossom head dress for victorian wedding

I finally found what I wanted to see and hear.
Princess Alexandra wore artificial orange blossom in 1863
and another site saying if orange blossom was not available they used wax orange blossom
So I've decided to order through these people who seem to be the only people on the net who sell good looking replicas and even kits for either wreath, half wreath and hair comb. I've order the wreath kit, as I can change my mind as long as I have the sprigs of orange blossom available.

Soo sick

Ever since getting back from round the bays, my stomach has been churning and my head pounding, I know I have been to the toilet at least 10 (trying to be on the conservative side so there are no embellishments). I am sooo tired, but my stomach would wake me in another 15 minutes or so, So I thought I would try and keep my mind off it by looking at trade me (still trying to sell my wedding dress), and blog how I'm feeling.
I'm going to have to call in sick today.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Round the bays

Had a great time. Although not as good as last years run, this time I think I'm going to find I am 10 minutes longer, I ran the whole way this time. Got back home to a sore head and a bad stomach. I am hoping I will be better tomorrow.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Back to an oldie but a goodie diet

All healthy diet, with low carbs, with seafood and vegetables and fruit (and trialling a few types of nuts in my diet also) very yummy, allowing now for offerings of food, not feeling so bad about having to say no to people cause I have enough free calories in the day to accommodate the extra calories. I am going down on the scales again, with my highest weight over the last 2 weeks being 138 pounds, this morning after 3 days on this diet I weighed in this morning at 134.8
I am still with and might be for the rest of my life.

Also after finally sending my measurements through for my wedding dress Sally has started on it.
I am very excited to see what she comes up with
from what I see she is an excellent dress maker.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

reply to a comment 23rd Feb 2008

日本語 を う少し 話します。
ばじめまして, こんばんは Soliton さん - The language in my blog is emotive and probably not the best english to study. It is in error, it should say Recently I have been researching.
どうも ありがとうございました。


Silly Me, I forgot that most people don't have Japanese character software on their machine.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

I am trying to find a great going away dress

Cause I thing the people at the airport may look at me rather strangely if I check in for my honeymoon in an 1886 wedding dress. And harder still trying to sit in a plane seat in a bustle.

So since we are going to phuket was thinking of a dress that Richard would more prefer to see me in and sayes that I just got married, but also is comfortable for the trip and I can wear again. I have been look at "beach wedding dresses" for this.

I have found some cool sites with the second one in this list with heaps of great looking low cost wedding dresses for all styles of wedding.

Siesta Beach Short Informal Beach Wedding Dress

Cheap Wedding Dress,Bridesmaids Dress,Flower Girl Dress,Chinese Dress: Beach Wedding Dress Lf-088

The first link design is what I am aiming for.

This morning I did something about the

broken capillaries on my face. I went to the caci clinic at Pakuranga plaza and after 30 mins of a little bit of discomfort, walked out without most of the unsightly veins on my face. Amazing :-) not so much need to wear make up now.
The procedure used a very small needle that pulsed electric current to the vein, that cauterise,
I wont lie it is not an easy procedure, but if as a lady you have tried using an epi lady on your legs, well I don't think its half as painful as that. And a strange thing is if you have fillings you get a metallic taste in your mouth.
Even though my cheeks and ridge of nose are a bit red, I don't think the scarring looks much worse than the capillaries did. And I think the ridge of my nose look 100% better. :-)
Admittedly I don't think my cheeks were too bad, a bit of make up covered it ok, it was more my nose that I would have trouble covering with makeup.
Very impressed. Thanks Caci Pakuranga.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

I have decided to sell my old wedding dress (from first wedding)

Its no use in my wardrobe, its very pretty so it should go to someone else who can take advantage of it.

Bought in 1999, I also don't think its right to still hold on to it with my wedding to Richard getting closer.