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Friday, December 27, 2013

Monday, December 23, 2013

Back seat blogger

My blog has most definitely taken a back seat to being a mother.
I have been logging lots regarding my autistic son (and yes I know others prefer to say the other way round, son with autism, I would not say "my child with malism" and I believe that it is a big part of who he is and who he is I love in his entirety).
My log is just rambling that I can reference later or if we are lucky enough to have another baby who may also have autism I can go back over the log.
I am doing this because the only thing that the medical profession can be certain about is that autistic people use different areas of the brain than us, so that leaves tons and tons of unanswered questions for us parents.

We have also have been foster parents to a darling little chap since late May 2013.