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Friday, December 27, 2013

Monday, December 23, 2013

Back seat blogger

My blog has most definitely taken a back seat to being a mother.
I have been logging lots regarding my autistic son (and yes I know others prefer to say the other way round, son with autism, I would not say "my child with malism" and I believe that it is a big part of who he is and who he is I love in his entirety).
My log is just rambling that I can reference later or if we are lucky enough to have another baby who may also have autism I can go back over the log.
I am doing this because the only thing that the medical profession can be certain about is that autistic people use different areas of the brain than us, so that leaves tons and tons of unanswered questions for us parents.

We have also have been foster parents to a darling little chap since late May 2013.

Sunday, February 03, 2013

I am sharing this "secret" while I remember to, and at the start of my journey.  I have put secret in quotes because it looks like it was and has been staring people in the face for a long time.  I don't mind if people call me kooky or strange or a bit nuts.
I decided after I worked out this formula to google this phenomenon to see if others have kind of noticed this too and found. 

Ok so I was thinking how do I make a low calorie thick soup that was high in protein, then the light bulb moment, you don't need it to be a thick soup, it just has to be thick to keep the protein in your stomach for as long as you can.

Here is my theory
Protein switches off the hunger switch in the brain,
Fibre stays in your stomach for a long time
= get some low fat protein in the fibre and then you can feel full long on little calories.
As long as you make sure to have this often through your day, eating other things should not be a problem because you only "naturally" eat less

Miso is a great protein soup, or any of the continental or cup of soups or there are many other protein fulled soups that are not very fulling for long,  take fibre tablets with the soup.
The idea is the more of this mix of protein soaked into a thickness of some kind the less hungry you will feel during the day and may also help in future to turn down hunger pains in the future.

Or if anyone can find a way to make a nice low fat protein thick soup I am entirely all ears.

Any way I have been losing weight and today 3rd February 2013 before starting this I am at 170.4 pounds ( 77.3kg)

Here goes :-)  If anyone would like to try this please go for it, please feel free to tell me how you are going as well :-)