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Friday, December 31, 2010

Bad nausea, reflux and heart burn during week 12/13 and then...

I have been having bad nausea, reflux and heart burn during week 12/13 and then I remembered apple cider vinegar.
Yesterday I thought I would just put a little bit in my water bottle since I am thirsty all the time anyway to help with the heart burn and the reflux.
After at least a week of having to sleep on my pillow with my tri pillow above to give the height so I could sleep without my throat burning. I felt comfortable enough to sleep on just my pillow with no reflux and just minor heart burn which I believe will be gone by tonight.
Not just that the nausea dissipated to a more comfortable level, after doing some investigation I believe it might be due to the vitamin b6 in the apple cider vinegar.
Hopefully this keeps working for the rest of my pregnancy :-) (crossing fingers and wish I tried this out months ago)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

this one needs a disclaimer again

disclaimer - these are just ramblings of a pregnant woman on thoughts of skin cancer, I am not a doctor, this is not really my area of interest either although our family seems awfully prone to skin cancer. And last part of disclaimer is that I don't know if this theory has already been proposed.

okay here goes -
As far as I am aware skin cancer is our body incorrectly replicating bad skin tissue (like skin that has been out in the sun too long or moles) and also not knowing when and where to stop. My question is if the skin has been completely burnt so there is no partially damaged tissue, can cancer thrive there? And if it can't why can't we find a way to look over the body for these partially damaged tissue and remove it to create good skin tissue that will replicate correctly again?
I came up with the idea when thinking about the fact that women while pregnant have longer strong hair and nails, everything is growing again and this could encourage cancer growth (I will have to find some reference to it)*"Women who have exposed themselves to UV radiation a lot prior to becoming pregnant need to protect themselves from further exposure when pregnant because they are more at risk of harm to themselves and their unborn baby." *from , the opposite of what I saw on this cute old couple in a documentary on Chernobyl where they were thriving on their farm well within the no go zone with lots of radiation around them, because the only cells that older people would be growing in abundance would be cancer cells this couple seemed quite healthy (the opposite of what you would think should be the case). *"Interior: Lizm sitting on a bed
Lizm: The old people who didn't get the radiation live to be 80 or 90. But people our age, 35, 40, they're dying right and left, and always from cancer. "
* from
Well if anyone would or has done an experiment to this end I would be really interested in hearing how it went/ is going.

Thanks :-) for listening to my rantings again.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

So cool

This is really incredible, a 3D version of the vatican sistine chapel
Tell me what you think?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

I absolutely love

Naturo Pharms Morningmed Relief spray :-)
It actually works as long as I take it regularly.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Have you noticed...

When you are pregnant...

1) You catch yourself constantly talking about babies and pregancy all the time.
2) You see other pregnant people every where!
3) Males are more likely to open doors for you and move out of your way (even before you start showing - I am guessing its the extra estrogen)
4) You are more forgetful.
5) You are more clumsey.
6) No one is allowed to be more hormonal than you (especially your husband).
7) If you are not thinking about baby and babies 24/7 you are wondering how much longer you can handle this "morning" sickness for.
8) Everyone else seems more concerned about the sex of the baby to be.
(I was more worried about how many, how many genes and please let baby have 10 fingers and toes and get the nutrition it needs)

Little facts I did not know before;
*Morning sickness should be called continious 24/7 sickness
*You can get sick from looking at another cracker or ginger ale or ginger beer
*While pregnant a packet of chocolate biscuits can last in our house for well over 2 days

Monday, November 22, 2010

Pike River Mine

All my prayers and wishes are going out to the 29 miners in the mine, to their friends and families and to the whole of Greymouth who are doing their best to support these families.

Morning Sickness 2

I knew that you could get morning sickness at other times of the day. But I can't remember seeing anywhere that not only is morning sickness, afternoon and night but no one said that it was continious, the "morning sickness" does not go away!!!! At all, I am just hoping I can survive the next 5 weeks and hoping that it actually stops in the 2nd trimester.
Praying for some relief soon.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Morning sickness

Well after being terribly nauseous for the last 3 weeks,
Hubby reminded me of "sea bands" they work on acupressure. I went straight down the road a few hours ago and got them from the chemist (pharmacy) and have been wearing them since, the nausea is not 100% gone but I tell you its HEAPS better than it was, I can even function a bit more :-).

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My wish pram/ stroller
A pram that turns into a stroller, the handles that can be either side of the pram/stroller it is able to take a baby car seat, is light and is capable of going for walks (not runs but walks), and can take an extra seat.
The closest I can presently find is the

1) the steelcraft enigma/elite/acclaim/orbit (but can't add the baby car seat and is not that light)
and the
2) the steelcraft strider plus has the (baby car seat, the second seat for second child, but the seat is not reversible and I think both children would prefer to see ahead of them, and seat does not recline fully)
and the
3) love n care Mirage Stroller (no second seat and no car seat)

4) The Graco Alano flipit (no second seat, not light)

5) Steelcraft strider 4 (second seat avail but behind cot, can have a car seat, has a reversible chair but not reversible handles)

I can now tell the world

Richard and I are now pregnant :-)
To let other women know another option to IVF for those with endometriosis or unexplained infertility I have made a facebook page/group called "lipoidol therapy"!/pages/Lipiodol-Treatment/158067597562986

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Well I must say that I am very impressed with our Prime Minister

I admit I was initially was worried about the new contract law coming into place, but it has been limited to the film industry and is not to all contracts, and I did not like the idea that we have had 3 referendums that have been ignored and some Warner Brothers Execs could walk in and get a law changed over night.

1) Held in 1999 asked "Should there be a reform of our Justice system placing greater emphasis on the needs of victims, providing restitution and compensation for them and imposing minimum sentences and hard labour for all serious violent offences?". This measure passed by 91.78%.(sourced from

2) The other referendum held in 1999 asked "Should there be a reform of our Justice system placing greater emphasis on the needs of victims, providing restitution and compensation for them and imposing minimum sentences and hard labour for all serious violent offences?". This measure passed by 91.78%. (sourced from

3)"Should a smack as part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand?" in 2009 No 1,470,755 87.40%Yes 201,541 11.98%
(sourced from,_2009#Results)

But not only did John Key manage to keep Warners happy but again the majority of NZ is still happy getting a bit more out of the deal also, we are getting one of the world premieres of the movies here in little NZ. Which is absolute brilliant advertising putting NZ on the world stage.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Zealand Economy

I would just like to add to my little comment at the end of my blog on the 6th of September to say that although others are still acting a bit gloomy regarding the fiancial markets and the recession.
I believe that we are coming out of it and the nice little ladder to make this all easier is the cash injection from the earthquake in Canterbury.

The reason for this blog entry is every other time I have made these predictions e.g. just before the 1980's stockmarket crash and the start of the recession this time round everyone conviently forgot that I commented.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Grapefruit and weight loss

Links to legitimate/ authentic sites showing that this works, so I am still keen

Well done Canterbury

I think the most of the country agrees that it has been amazing seeing how organised canterbury has been with an earthquake that was not ever predicted.

From neighbours helping neighbours.
The Mayor seems to be right in the trenches helping as much as possible.
The Prime minister staying in NZ and going to the people in Canterbury to show support.
WINZ stepping in with financial support for small businesses.
The council employees pitching in straight away getting in and assessing buildings.
Nurses and Doctors calling in to hospital pitching in where possible.

The Great Factors in NZ which made this disaster better than it could have been. (No Deaths)
- Excellent laws around building houses and other structures.

Luck :-) - 4.30am on the Saturday morning 4th of September, when some of the worst damage to buildings was in the central business district.
- Before the shops were starting to open and after most night clubbers would have gone home.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Grapefruit/ Lemon and Miso Soup Diet

I seemed to have stumbled across something that actually works to loose weight. (crossing fingers)
It is only day 3.
My weight 3 days ago was 170.4 and was slipping upwards again.
My weight today is 168.
I have made a mixture of 1/2 lemon juice and 1/2 grapefruit juice and added water with it.
Then I will make miso with 1/4 to a 3rd of a cup of my mixture in with it.
It takes like miso with a little tang to it.
I take this before breakfast, then before lunch and before dinner.
I feel full really fast and I am just eating what ever I feel like, but today I have noticed I just can't eat as much as I normally do, I just feel too full.

Well early days but I will blog how this progresses. :-)

My very unclinical reason for this working -
1) Apparently grapefruit lowers insulin somehow
2) Soup helps fill you up for long periods of time
3) Miso soup has protein in it (and also seaweed which has lot of lovely vitamins and minerals in)

Conclusion, body is no longer craving ANYTHING -
1) No sugar cravings
2) No feeling hungry because you are full
3) And brain also switches off the "I am hungry" sign in Neon because of the protein
4) And also any other possible craving due to need for vitamins or minerals deficiency is sorted by the vitamin c from the grapefruit and lemon and everything else from the seaweed

But as I said before early days

Friday, September 10, 2010

Earthquake Questions

At work we have been discussing the question of land. e.g this image in the NZ Herald
So your land has been stretched, does that mean you have to move in your fences because your fences are now sitting on some elses property? Or do you now own more land? (After filling in the hole).
And this goes the other way round as well, if the Earthquake compressed and pushed up your land do you then own less land?

Monday, September 06, 2010

Christchurch Earthquake

Wow what a scary weekend. Saturday morning we woke to hear that there had been an earthquake in Christchurh, the news originally said 7.4 on the richter scale, later they said that it was actually 7.1. Last time we had such a big earth quake in New Zealand was in 1931, called the Napier earthquake and that reached 7.8, 10:47 am on Tuesday February 3, 1931, killing 256 from what I can tell from historical evidence.'s_Bay_earthquake
This one hit the Christchurch CBD (central business district) at 4.30am on the 4th of September 2010. Thank your god there have been no fatalities presently. One man was awfully hurt from a chimney collapsing and an old colleague of mine advised that another man had a heart attack. (I think I would have as well)
Auckland is far too far away and we did not feel a thing here. I contacted mum who is living near Picton, they did not feel a think. Mum advised that Aunty Barbara felt a little bit as she is a bit closer to Christchurch. Mums husband Hugh was a bit worried for his daughter who lives in Christchurch though as they were having trouble contacting her.
The CBD in Christchurch is rather destroyed and has been closed for assessment of the damage.
If the earthquake had hit during business hours instead of 4.30am this would be a very different story.

I have a feeling that out of these ashes will be the rise of New Zealand financially pulling us out of the recession. People will be more optimistic with work being needed to help Christchurch get back on its feet.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Woman at the supermarket

At the supermarket last night, we were going through the express check out along with quite a few other people. In front of my husband and myself were 2 ladies.
There were 2 check outs open, so there should have been 2 separate lines, like there has been for over the 6 years I have been going there. The woman with the trolley filled with about 6 bottles of wine and nothing else, although well presented at the front of this strange line, and another young lady just behind her. The young lady noticed the next person was nearly finished and since the woman with the trolley was not moving up decided to move forward.
The woman with the trolley grabbed her arm and basically told her that she was not allowed to jump the queue. I heard this and said "there should be 2 queues here", she turned around and said it was supposed to be merging like a zip, and then added as an after thought, "well it should". I said "since when?" and the young lady who she would have embarressed also agreed with me.
But we left left it there, while this woman was emptying her trolley she looked around at the other isles to try to back her claim, to no avail.

I was soooo cross, she has embarressed a young lady in front of a large queue, she had actually broken the law by grabbing the young ladies arm, and who was she to impose her sanctions on others? Well I have now vented and I am sure Karma will bite this woman (who goes shopping only for wine and to assalt people and insult people) in the butt.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Baby blues

My husband and I have been trying for a baby for 2 years in August this year.
Ever since I was 12 years old doctors have been diagnosing me with endometriosis, not fully understanding the consequences apart from the excruciating pain I would get every 1, 2 or 3 times a year and the odd pain that would come and go, and wanting to be settled and married before trying for a baby, I am now 37 years old.
Every time going to the doctors they would say that it was more than likely endometriosis. In 2003 my appendix was taken out with suspected appendicitis, with notes saying that it was suspected endometriosis after all that since my appendix was healthy. Later (I think the same year), somehow a cyst on the outside of my right fallopian tube had glued itself to my right ovary and they did a laparoscopy to fix this as this was causing mass pain and oxygen was not getting to the ovary. They did a blue dye flush which was successful.
Since then I have been back into the hospital with what the doctors were saying was endometriosis, would hand me pain killers and say there were only 2 ways of really sorting out endometriosis, that was either a hysterectomy or have a baby.
Last month I had a laparoscopy. The surgeon saw "speckles" and the kink in my right fallopeon tube, the blue dye flush was again successful and because of her comments apparently I am not eligible for IVF as I "don't have endometriosis". I was mortified when I was told this (to say the least)

I have been reading up on the Lipiodol Flush trial and I am investigating this option further.
If anyone has heard or had first hand experience with this proceedure I would love to hear from you.

Friday, May 21, 2010

2010 NZ Budget

The more I look at the budget the better I think it is.
Well done Bill English :-)

15% GST (from 12.5%) starting on the 1st of October -
Giving people enough time to get the larger items before hand. One small step for our economy to get back into the black, one giant leap for businesses (with the added bonus of business tax going from 33% down to 28%) and creating jobs.

Lowering the income tax helps to increase spending.
"Key tax changes
All personal income tax rates will be cut from October 1, 2010.
Income up to $14,000 will be taxed at 10.5%, down from 12.5%.
Income from $14,001 to $48,000 drops to 17.5% from 21%
Income from $48,001-$70,000 down to 30% from 33%
Income over $70,000 will be cut to 33% from 38%.

But all spending is only within a certain time frame, people are having to think about what they are needing to buy before the time is up, what are the big ticket items that will be best to buy before the price increases by 2.5%.

To quote some graffitti from when I was a young lass that I have memorised (look at the poem in the opposite direction)
"Prices rise and profits hope, pay stays low so buying stops, goods won't sell so workers sacked, don't look now depressions back. Workers unite to protect wages and fight unemployment."

Depreciation deductions will be removed from buildings bought for businesses including rental properties. Which for most of us landlords is not too much of a burdon.
This should also help keep landlords in the game so they don't have to sell, in my opinion it means that there will still be enough rentals for those wanting to rent. There may be more houses available and cheaper for those who now want to buy and also should mean that rents won't need to go up considerably as landlords scramble to survive (keep their future nest eggs above water).

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I would just like to say thanks to all the drug pushers out there. Thanks a bloody lot. The best thing for fixing my cold fast was Codral. No more, cause the ingredient that worked was the Pseudoephedrine. I didn't mind the chemists asking for my details as its only about once a year that I get a bad cold. And I can only blame the minority who ruin kids lives and now I am stuck with this dreadful cold with nothing fixing it. And I feel miserable.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Don't know which one, but don't care

It might be all three working together.
Vaseline Intensive rescue, or/ and Blackmores Nails, Hair and Skin, or /and Airbourne Health honey.
My theory is that Airbourne is protecting my body from further invasion and helping with the nutrients needed for my body to repair, the Blackmores Nails, Hair and Skin allows my body to fix properly and the Vaseline gives my body the moisture for the nutrients to get the parts that need fixing.

A tiny sore on my hand that had not been healing for months has just almost fully healed in the last week. The scar on my left foot is looking less noticeable and my skin feels like baby skin (I can't wait till it looks like baby skin too).

Friday, May 07, 2010


“If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were.”

Monday, May 03, 2010

Cold Turkey

I have decided to go cold turkey, nothing heavily processed.
Starting tomorrow - 4th May 2010

Sugar,depression, stress and weight gain

Although I can't prove it and have found no scientific evidence to prove my theory.
I believe that sugar may be the reason for stress and depression not because of the downer after the sugar high, but I believe the body induces the sugar high by using the bodies stored vitamin B's (all or some or one) so this is the reason for the weight spiralling down or up. Vitamin B's from what I can source from the net keep our sugar needs in check**, and also give us energy and allow us to concentrate (so I can understand why so many parents think their little angels might have A.D.D) after consuming sugar as A.D.D children also have depleted vitamin B in their bodies*.
So this means I will have to wean myself off sugar to loose this weight (damn)
Watch this space if anyone is interested in my theory I will start getting reference links. (done)
I would be very happy to hear anyone elses opinion on my little light bulb theory.


"All B vitamins help the body to convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which is "burned" to produce energy." from source
" status improves in overweight/obese women following a hypocaloric diet rich in breakfast cereals, and may help in maintaining fat-free mass"

from source

So if you are consuming sugar you are using up your vitamin b stores which are also needed to convert other food into energy, up keep of our nervous system, keep depression at bay and help with concentration.
reference ""

Friday, April 16, 2010

At this time yesterday I was getting ready for my operation

I was worried because approximately 9 years ago when I had the same sort of laparoscopy. I was in a lot of pain for a good week and half. I think the differing environmental factors are whats making it easier this time. The pain in my shoulders from the gas they put in you is not too bad when you can keep them heated and still and with panadol and neuophen on hand. I alternate the pain killers every 2 hours.
I have also been taking my own concoction of manuka honey (heals and helps with the tickle you get from that tube being down your throat) and lemon (vitamin c), a "be regular" tea bag (because they say that constipation can be a problem), and cinnamon (dad sent me an email on how good honey and cinnamon is (although there is no evidence of the "study" I was able to find good links on why honey is good and why cinnamon is good
(p.s. this drink tastes way better if filter the cinnamon some way.)
This time round I was able to advise the nurses etc that morphine makes me physically ill and I was better on tramadol. Trying to race to the toilet to throw up non existent food after an operation can't be helpful.
9 years ago I was in a coldish water bed. I had no idea how to get rid of the pain in my shoulders and my boyfriends daughter kept jumping on the bed wanting hugs.
Hubby although no nightingale has been helpful. Also 9 years ago my ovarian tube had twisted over causing no oxygen to my ovary, and they had to separate it from the cyst that had caused it. This time it was to make sure everything was working so we can have children and although the surgeon saw cysts, they was not large and she was not concerned about them.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Getting rings off swollen or fatter fingers

Window cleaner and twisting the ring will get your ring off your swollen or bigger sized finger. Absolutely brilliant - sharing this with the world. :-) Found the tip on

It helped by putting my finger over my head every so often, used like 10 or so squirts, it took a few minutes, my finger was red and a bit sore afterwards. It is the only thing that I have found to work. :-)