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Saturday, April 19, 2008


A link to our past

How do I know this?

My dads name helps - Kevin Villers Jeffares

weigh in again

138.8 but not doing so well on keeping to the 1200 calories a day.

Thinking of the saying "move it or loose it"
I think there are 2 ways the body can stay warm
moving it - shaking or shivering or exercising
loosing it (as in loosing muscle and loosing your shape) - but insulation or fat

I am trying the move it option this winter, when I am at home or alone I am purposefully moving or tensing muscles or shaking.

Has already helped me go from 140 pounds this week to 138.8 while eating everything I love till I'm full, although exercise has this other lovely factor, you don't feel so hungry.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My deepest condolences Mr Bray and family and friends

"These were kids of excellence," Mr Bray said at Elim Christian College yesterday.

"We have lost some amazing difference-makers, some role models, and my daughter was one of them."

Mr Bray, who has been on dialysis for 17 years and is awaiting a kidney transplant, said he had asked Natasha about the rain hammering the Tongariro region.

"She said, 'My good friend Portia (McPhail, who was in the group and also died) said we have got this little saying that says we are going to jump in puddles, Dad.

"She said, 'What I mean by that is even if it is bad, we are going to make the most of it'.

"That is what my daughter and Portia were like.

"And I guess that is what all the parents are trying to do right now. We are going to try and jump in puddles."

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I weighed in - unofficially today and I'm 140 pounds, not happy. I'm not a rules girl, back to counting calories.
1000 a day - making allowances for the days which are special, like bbqs and birthdays and weddings.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

second weigh in for my new rules

5th April 2008 138.9 pounds
12th April 2008 138.2 pounds

slowly does it

Sunday, April 06, 2008

just an idea

instead of fighting the torrent sites -

How about using them to gage customer viewing levels - you know what people actually like?
and put the advertising in the television programmes? - yes let Joey drink coca-cola and Homer go to Dennys.
Popular programmes would florish, crappy ones would die. The viewer would not be constantly insulted by their favourite shows dieing because some big wig thought they knew better. eg Jerico that has gone by the way side and firefly, and god knows how many other great shows that have never reached little New Zealand.
Advertisers could pay the programmes based on how many people want to download their shows, yes advertisers could actually find out how many people were actually viewing their product.
And finally the viewer would have the biggest say in what they could view.

Why enjoying your food will allow you to lose weight

When ashamed of eating food, we need to eat fast, or pretend we aren't eating (watching television etc). Not allowing our brains to work out that we have eaten, so our brains keep telling us that we are hungry. Many publications tell us that it takes 20 minutes for our stomachs to tell our brains that we are full, so we need to eat slower. So enjoy that steak, don't just eat it, chew it, taste it.

If we think about this it makes so much sense, because our bodies would prefer to be healthy and ideal not over weight and not under weight. Just very logical.

Reasons why diets don't work and we gain weight

When your brain believes that it is being deprived, the metabolism slows down,
so after coming off the diet it comes back on faster.
The want of food becomes heightened, your body is trying to survive.
You crave foods you enjoy and can't have.

Simple version of the 8 rules

1. Eat breakfast
2. Enjoy what you eat
3. Stop eating 4 hours before you going to bed

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Well first weigh in for these rules

5th April 2008 138.9 pounds

I'm going to try being a rules girl (Suz's food rules that is)

My Rules are:

1. Eat Breakfast.
2. When you're hungry, eat. Are you hungry? leave it 10 minutes if still hungry eat.
3. Eat what you want.
4. Enjoy what you are eating, savor each bite, chew at least 20 times.
5. If you find its not an enjoyable experience stop eating.
6. Eat consciously.
7. When you're full, stop. Eat slowly to ensure that you stop at the right time.
8. Don't eat 4 hours before bed.

I bought the book, but obviously not read the instructions - till reading this intelligent article from

"McKenna's first four "Golden Rules":

1. When you're hungry, eat.
2. Eat what you want.
3. Eat consciously.
4. When you're full, stop.

Well, those seem like fairly simple rules, but McKenna elaborates. By "eat what you want," he means don't deprive yourself. By "eat consciously," he means set down your utensils after every bite, chew slowly and don't watch TV or read while eating.

McKenna maintains that if you chew your food slowly and concentrate on the flavor for at least 20 chews, you will feel full sooner and eat less food."