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Sunday, February 08, 2015

Autism or ASD pain stakingly getting support for early intervention

"Curb" I believe is the wrong word.  If we teach a blind child how to navigate their world based on their perception, teach them to read Braille and work with a stick and seeing eye dog we don't tend to call that "curb" ing blindness.  We might call it working to their strengths.  We don't say ok we have now taught them now to see by using Braille so we don't need to give them a walking stick anymore.

So why do they constantly do that to kids on the spectrum?  Oh we will make him sit and focus by making him sit on the mat at kindy.....ummm then you have a "good child" who is very unlikely to comprehend anything they are hearing or seeing......but well done for making them look "normal".
The more I see and hear of studies and classes the best results are coming from (I know this is awfully shocking) is working with the strengths of the child.  Wow I know right?  Freaky, helping the child to navigate their world and learning about their world works......much like when someone wants to befriend you they will copy your body language, they will imitate your body language and be interested in what you are interested in.  They will make you feel at ease in your environment.  They will talk with you and acknowledge you.

They won't go all out to make you feel different or wrong.

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