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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

splinter skill

Some people on asd groups have reminded me of something I want other asd parents to know.
Edward had a love for letters since I don't know probably 6 months old is when I started noticing.  When Edward was diagnosed at 1 year and 11 months I got no promises of progress.  None, no promises that my son would ever talk, that he would ever progress from this child who could not communicate with me, could not tell me where he was hurting, could not tell me or show me that he loved me ever.

Please please don't underestimate your own instincts, when I told Edward's early intervention teacher that Edward loved letters I got told that this was just a splinter skill, that there was no real comprehension to what he was doing.  When Edward started reading words at about 2 years 5-6 months everyone started thinking I was bonkers, I thought I was going crazy.  But mother in law said hubby was starting to read at about 3 years of age.
At this stage I had read "the spark" by Kristine Barnett and was curious as to what else Edward would be interested in given the chance.  At 3 years and 8 months old Edward is still mad on letters....and numbers, solar system, Russian, Arabic letters, world map and where the countries are, USA and where the states are, the periodic table.
"Splinter skill" my foot, it was Edward's door.  He talks more and more using his loves, he is thriving in his own way.....I love it, I love Edward to the moon and back.
Normal???? Nope. Perfectly Edward style.

Please don't just accept what they tell you about how incapable your child is what ever the diagnosis.  Go with what works and expand on it, keep looking for the direction your child wants to go in next.  Please dare to hope and dream.

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