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Saturday, April 04, 2015

understanding Asd

Parents are starting to ask about 2e in their asd kids more and more now - I love this :-)
They are not just happy to believe their child's focus is an "obsession" that has to be crushed to stop their child from from going into their own world.

This means they are getting to the point that can see a different horizon of playing, learning and growing with their child's focus and in the process both child and parent succeed beyond wildest dreams.

2e means twice exceptional, a child who has both a disability and a gift.
Our Edward was diagnosed with asd at 1 year and 11 months.

With our son we had him watching your baby can read from 3 months and he just loved the videos from about 1 year and 10 months he was super keen on the leap frog letters.  At 2 years 3 months he was showing signs of being interested in words that we were writing and was making us write letters for him on his mega doodle board.  By 2 years 6 months I wanted to know how many words he might know......we ran out of words to ask him of words that we knew he knew. Short version of word reading:

Now I thought "oh wow", my world was tipped upside down because we had been told crap about asd kids focus being nothing more than a " splinter skill", nothing real and asd kids IQ were at best 100, all their rubbish (including our EIT spouting the same crap) started sounding like witch craft and with no real merit behind it at all.  "The Spark" by Kristine Barnett was my saving grace, her book and words made the most sense to me and I believe her before any medical expert now regarding possibility, hope and how to go forward.  - I don't believe my son is a Jacob, but he will be the best Edward he can be :-). Jacob (Jake) Barnett "Math and Science Prodigy" o…:

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