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Saturday, April 29, 2006

weigh in day - and I have lost 3 pounds this week

In total, over 6 weeks I have lost 28 pounds (2 stone or 13kg) I am at the half way mark and feel more enthused than ever, with heaps of energy. The last time I was this weight was when I was 26, yes 7 years ago.
I am now allowed an egg a day in my diet.
Next goal (only another 5 pounds away) is to be allowed a 1/4 avacado in my salads or avocado sushi.
1st Week - Lost 16 pounds
2nd Week - Lost 4 pounds
3rd Week - Lost 1 pound
4th Week - Lost 3 pounds
5th Week - Lost 1 pound
6th Week - Lost 3 pounds

I went to see the movie Sione's Wedding with a friend, It was excellent. Right up to HollyWood standard. Making me proud to be a New Zealander.
I wish the website promoting it was as good a quality. (hmmmmm)
Because it was a birthday present for my friend, we went to the circle lounge at the Berkeley Cinema in the Botany Town Centre the seats were so comfortable, and the view excellent and same with the service.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Back on weight loss track :-)

Its more than likely going to be slow from here on in. I exercised last night again, getting my heart rate up. It felt good. While watching television this will be a norm. Hoping to get my metabolism up again.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

An acquaintance

Commenting on how much weight I had lost and how good I was looking. I can honestly say that that was the highlight of my day.
I started exercising last night and have woken up a pound heavier, this is disappointing.
I am constantly fighting back cravings and I'm sticking with my diet and somehow I gain a pound. :(

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Richard came over

Monday night and stayed Tuesday. Richard seems to be really happy where he is staying.
We slept in and had sushi for lunch and watched television most of the day. I can't get enough of sushi, I think there must be an addictive ingredient in there somewhere (lol).
I'm still 2 pounds away from being allowed a egg in my diet. I have to remind myself that it will take a while as I slowed my metabolism down heaps in the first 2 weeks. I don't feel pretty yet. I have to be strong, giving in will make the weight pile on with some extra. In the long run I will be really happy with the results.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Found my before photo - Dated 4th March 2006

I can't believe I was actually that big. I'm only half way still.

News Flash for me and possibly others

After deciding yesterday to cheat a little bit for taste sake. I asked the people who make my sushi to add a little bit of avocado paste to my sushi. Today I have lost another pound from yesterday. I decided to do some study on this phenomenon, and this is what I've found googling;
"When unsaturated fats are consumed there is an increase in the producing of lipases fat burning enzymes. If the body does not consume enough fats, these enzymes are not released. If these enzymes are not released, there will be no extra enzymes to be used to help break down stored body fat.... Foods that are high in unsaturated fats include avocado, chicken, fish, nuts, and vegetable oils."

"Monounsaturated fats are those molecules in which one carbon is not completely saturated with hydrogen and this free carbon forms a double bond. Oleic acid found in olive oil, peanuts, avocado and canola oils is a good example of monounsaturated fatty acids. This is also called an omega 9 because its double bond occurs nine carbons up from the molecule's acid tail."

Omega 9 is a Essential Fatty Acid (or EFA for short)

"EFAs in weight reduction:
Omega 6 fatty acids, like GLA and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), aids weight reduction in two ways: It can activate brown adipose tissue, which is often under-active in overweight people and it can encourage the ATP metabolic process, which burns calories (Vaddadi, K and Horrobin, D., IRCS J Med Sci, 1979). Obese people are deficient in GLA and GLA supplementation can help dieters feel full by increasing seretonin in the brain (Delion, S. et al. J Neurochem, 1996)."

"Two of the many benefits to an EFA complex are:

1- Increase the metabolic rate 2- Help burn fat

There are several other benefits but in essence, what this says is that getting 15-20% of your good fats in your diet daily will actually increase your metabolic rate resulting in more fat loss!"

So long story cut short, Avocado paste will now stay in my sushi.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Weigh in day again and I lost 1 pound

I'm still not cheating and I'm hoping that I'm building muscle again as this can be the only reasonable explanation. (Either that or I'm getting up in the middle of the night, sleep driving to a fast food place ordering and sleep eating the food before sleep driving back). I'm still 3 pounds away from eating an egg a day.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Some friends are concerned about me about to eat an egg a day

I thank you for caring.
Regarding the care of the birds first - I am getting barn laid eggs instead of battery hen eggs. They are spca approved.
"The eggs are laid by genuine barn hens which roam freely in spacious barns and do not live in cages.
SPCA approval means:

"These Barn eggs are produced to SPCA standards.
The hens have litter in which to scratch and dust bathe, space to flap their wings, stretch and socialise, nests in which to lay their eggs and adequate perching space.
They have constant water and feed and are protected from the elements and predators." "

2ndly - my health eating eggs
The National heart foundation of New Zealand says
"What about eggs?

Eggs can be included as part of a normal varied healthy eating pattern.

If you have heart or blood vessel disease check with your local doctor before including a lot of eggs in your diet."

By Dr. Kathrine B Davis (20 April 2000)
"Eggscuse Me!
People concerned about cholesterol levels should reconsider the positive benefits eggs may offer. Eggs contain anti-oxidants, folate and other B-Vitamins, unsaturated fat and have positive effects on HDL or "good" cholesterol. Harvard University research has found that even healthy people with a high (one egg a day) intake did not show increased rates of heart disease or stroke. They suggested that the other nutrients in eggs may counter the effects of the high cholesterol content. For those of you who feel the afternoon "slump" a boiled egg is a great substitute for a snack bar, cheaper, tasty and a power meal in a nice eco-friendly, brown packet."

3rdly - The reason for me wanting to eat eggs apart from the fact that I love eggs


Eggs from free-range chickens are a balanced food which have mistakenly been considered the culprits of excessively high cholesterol levels. They contain cholesterol, but this is emulsified by the lecithin they also contain. Lecithin enables fats, including cholesterol, to be dispersed in water and eliminated from the body. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, sulfur, iron and vitamin A, and provide a valuable source of vitamin B12 for people who do not eat meat. In addition, eggs contain choline, tryptophan (which is converted into vitamin B3), biotin, folic acid, vitamin B2, vitamin B1, vitamin B5, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. Eggs from free-range chickens have bright yellow-orange yolks and thick, strong shells and a better flavor than commercial eggs produced on factory farms. In addition, caged chickens and their eggs produce much lower levels of the beneficial omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids than free-range chickens."
" Let me give you an example. Eggs. Eggs contain a thing called Lecithin. It helps your body digest cholesterol and break it down. Yes, the egg has something in it that actually helps your body break down and recycle cholesterol, including the cholesterol in the egg itself. Just like I talked about earlier, if you eat something like it is found in nature, it comes with what it needs."
"Why choose eggs?

* Protein, Vitamin, and Mineral Content
o Egg white protein quality is used as the gold standard for comparison with other proteins
o Whole eggs offer almost every essential vitamin and mineral needed by humans, with the exception of vitamin C
o Egg yolks contain an array of essential vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, not found in egg whites
* Source of Carotenoids: Lutein and Zeaxanthin
o One egg yolk, on average, contains significant amounts of the two carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin
o Research shows that individuals who consume a greater number of foods rich in lutein and zeaxanthin have a lower risk for age related macular degeneration and heart disease

Monday, April 17, 2006

The clothing problem

I have smaller clothes that I could not fit into almost falling off me, old clothes chucked out and then my smaller clothes that are just a little too tight still.
I don't want to buy new clothes till I get to my goal weight. So I'm just putting up with it at the moment.

How I'm losing the weight

(I am not suggesting nor recommending what I did, I've been studying nutrition since I was 12 years old and I knew I was flirting with a hospital bed at the beginning).

For the first 10 days I just drank water.

The next 7 days I had a cup of low fat soup for lunch.

When I lost another 4 pounds I allowed myself
Salad for dinner (very full large plate) (or veg sushi 4 lunch & soup 4 dinner)
Lettuce, tomato, asparagus Grated carrot, similar veges (using low fat dressing)

Now that I have lost another 4 pounds I'm allowed
Salad/Veges for dinner (very full large plate) (or veg sushi for lunch & soup 4 dinner)
If salad Lettuce, tomato, asparagus,Grated carrot, similar veges (using low fat dressing)
If veges cauliflower, broccoli, peas, carrots, corn, mushrooms, silver beet, cabbage, brussel sprouts, beans (using soy sauce as a condiment)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

This weekend Richard and I went down

to see family. Had a great time watching movies and having spas and just relaxing and catching up. It reminded me what it felt like to have Richard around me all the time, I miss that. Richard still has to make up his mind whether he loves me and wants to be with me and live with me. I refuse to make that decision for him for him just to get all tied up in knots again and blow up at me and leave again. It gets hard to understand how hard a decision it must be for him.

I've lost a lot of weight in a very short time period, there has been a lot of toxins running around my body and affecting my emotions. I have to take this into consideration when I get upset.

Where I was, Where I am now and where I want to be

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Review of dieting

1st Week - Lost 16 pounds
2nd Week - Lost 4 pounds
3rd Week - Lost 1 pound
4th Week - Lost 3 pounds

In total I have lost 24 pounds - so far
31 pounds to go

Weigh in day

I have lost 3 more pounds this last week.
Yes, Its coming off again. Allowed to eat vegetables for dinner now :-) .

Monday, April 10, 2006

This past weekend

Was great.
Friday night, Dennys and Movies with Richard - my little movie review is below.
Saturday, slept in and went to sushi for brunch, relaxed around the house, went to see Eric and Jess, Shawn was looking as cute as ever. Regan had finished editing Erics and Jess' wedding video (It was excellent) he had used at least 2 different angles using his own video camera and another persons, and took the best shots from both then used both audios from the cameras to get the best sound. Apparently the sound had been out by a bit making it more like a English/Chinese translated kungfu movie, but when we saw it you could not tell as Regan had resynced the words to the lips of the people talking.
I made Richard devilled sausages for dinner and had soup. I don't cook for Richard much but he said he enjoyed it.
We watched sin city on the Saturday night, I don't think much of it.
Sunday we went over to Richards mums place, Richard sorted out a laptop, we chatted and went off to Lunch at Dennys again. They make lovely soups. When we got back home, Richard headed off to his as he was tired.
I tried to do the lawns, the motor mower had other ideas, I filled the car up as today (Monday) the petrol prices have jumped 8 cents. We are now up to $1.61NZD a litre. I remember when we were all shocked that petrol had hit the dollar mark. Oh well.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Being selfish

I have always wanted to weigh less, but felt I needed to be polite and eat what was in front of me or have the roast when visiting family.
I do love food, too much.
This diet is soley for me, I have lost 21 pounds (10kg) in 3 weeks and I'm not putting it back on, I'm being very strict on my diet, to the point that I'm scared that if I just touch something not on my diet I will gain it all back (and knowing my past diets this has been the case).
I am slowly working up to a diet plan that allows me to eat without losing weight and allows me to stay at my goal weight.
This is all very selfish I know, but for my health and for my self esteem this is a necessity.

21 pounds lost and I've decided to be a little more

When I lose 3 more pounds I'm allowed cooked veges for dinner instead of salad.
When I lose 4 extra pounds I'm allowed a boiled egg with dinner.
When I lose 5 extra pounds I'm allowed 1/4 avocado with my salad.
When I lose 5 extra pounds I'm allowed 1 thin slice of meat or fish, and if I have sushi for lunch I'm allowed avocado sushi and soup for dinner.
When I lose 7 extra pounds I'm allowed corn, pumpkin, kumara, potato, tablespoon of cream cheese (extra light),or trim milk and I'm allowed avocado sushi for lunch.
When I lose 11 extra pounds I'm allowed a small special meal each day I'm under my goal weight to help manage my weight.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Weigh in day

The week that I normally weigh more due to water retention, I've lost a pound this week.
I'm happy with this progress, but expecting way better results next week.
I don't think it would have really been safe to go back to just soups at lunch time anyway.

Went to dinner and the movies with Richard last night, we saw V for Vendetta, If you did not bring your brain then you would have walked out confused. If you saw it from the eyes of someone who was intrigued with the Matrix (from the same makers), I believe it made a lot of sense. Reminding humans that we can't become complacent in our role of voting, having our say, allowing freedom of speech and what the consequences of not doing so could result in. Making it painstakingly evident that this has happened before and not to let it happen again.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Something to note

I've not lost anything since Saturday morning, this is discouraging since I have not strayed one bit on my diet.

Reasons why I can't lower my calorie intake to compensate (yet);
My calorie intake is under 1000 calories so there is no way that I could not be losing weight.
This is the week of the month I normally gain 3 to 7 pounds of water.
I am toning up.
I am still doing at least 20 mins of exercise a day.

If I have not started losing weight on Wednesday next week I will re-evaluate this decision then.

Was feeling a bit weak, body healing itself from not eating the first 7 days.

Richard stayed over, it was great having his company, we were going to go to the movies but ended up picking up Richards dinner and watching our favourite tv shows instead. Charmed, House and Boston Legal.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

What a weekend

I went down to KatiKati Saturday morning and stayed the night. Was great to get away and relax. Had a great big plate of salad for dinner, with a low fat dressing on top.
I've changed my rules a bit on the diet. Either soup for lunch and Salad for dinner or vegetable sushi for lunch and soup for dinner. I found some yummy thick soups that just need heating that are 98 and 99% fat free in the supermarket.
Back to Aucks this morning in time for sushi with Richard. Then dinner and a DVD. Richard and I are seeing each other again, this time we are taking things slowly, there is no need for Richard to move in, and he is happy where he is. Giving us time to enjoy each others company instead of jumping into the day to day life stuff. We are both happy with this decision.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

:) bye bye stubborn 2 pounds

I have lost 4 pounds this week (7 pounds considering the change in scales). So I'm having salad for dinner :-), (or vegetable sushi for lunch and my soup then for dinner). And start up little walks after dinner.

Went to the movies last night, It was a great night out, then chatting till all hours of the morning. Richard and I seem to be making progress, I'm still giving him time. I want him to be sure of what he wants.