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Saturday, April 08, 2006

Weigh in day

The week that I normally weigh more due to water retention, I've lost a pound this week.
I'm happy with this progress, but expecting way better results next week.
I don't think it would have really been safe to go back to just soups at lunch time anyway.

Went to dinner and the movies with Richard last night, we saw V for Vendetta, If you did not bring your brain then you would have walked out confused. If you saw it from the eyes of someone who was intrigued with the Matrix (from the same makers), I believe it made a lot of sense. Reminding humans that we can't become complacent in our role of voting, having our say, allowing freedom of speech and what the consequences of not doing so could result in. Making it painstakingly evident that this has happened before and not to let it happen again.

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