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Sunday, October 19, 2014

wow - Carly, I am reading your dad's book and you are teaching me so much

A page out of the "Carly's voice" book that I think ALL ASD parents need to hear and know.  Please share this to anyone you think NEEDS to know this.

The absolute pure definition of don't judge a book by it's cover.

I feel people need to know this, this page shows that what in most circumstances people would see someone not listening, not wanting to listen, not capable IS actually listening, wanting to listen and soooo very capable.

I believed that children who were severe with autism were just as capable (if not more capable for not having an easy straight forward life), but could not find real solid proof and this is even better than I presumed.  If Carly is stimming this profoundly and still taking in information better than your average person, it is probable that a whole heap of children are being misunderstood and diagnosed as "cognitively delayed"

I just was stunned when I read this I mean my son can listen and take in info when he is running around, spinning, flapping and dancing.....but I was wondering how many others like me had no idea that Carly was doing all these sorts of stims while taking in what she was hearing.   It sounds reading further into the book she is using her stims to be able to take in this info, just like my son moves to hear.

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