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Monday, January 19, 2015

If you don't try

When Edward meets someone new or is in a new environment he is for all intents and purposes non verbal, and shows no skill people only see his amazing side because it is at home, he is used to being photographed and filmed right from day 1, he now will echo things in public like when I say "say hi Lisa" and he will more than likely say it. That is all. So people who see Edward in the mall are seeing a child that seems more and more less able, but as you all can see in my videos that is not what we see at home at all.

You have not seen him non verbal or screaming on the floor in the mall or when his EIT turned up and he had a massive meltdown and just seconds away from bashing the back of his head on the rebounder and screaming at the kindy doors because he wanted to be in the sand pit not inside with the others at mat time (even though he did not have to sit with them), you have not seen the dirty looks I get from other parents because my son has bitten theirs, I get dirty looks when an adult asks Edward a question and he has completely dismissed it. Everything in public suggests that Edward is "mentally deficient". Edward is just that brilliant book that will change your life and your perspective on everything in you as long as you can only not snob the strange looking dust cover.

I say all this not to put my son down but for all those parents who say, " oh but your son is not like my son", "your son is high functioning, mine is not that capable", " your son is not really moderate, more like mild ", " my child can't do that".
My reply is you are very right that your child can't do that.....if you don't try. There is no harm in trying with your child, you might just find out how capable your child actually is. You might give up on the poor me trip that you are on and see some potential and a brighter future.

Or I may be wrong and what have you lost?????

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