For me to understand ASD I had to read and read and sort through what seemed logical and what seemed like utter nonsense about ASD. The information on neurons not pruning and there being too many made the most sense based on ASD symptoms. So I went about finding any books or info on working with a child that had the best probable outcome based on too many neurons. (Basically too much data coming into the brain to process and how that could be best worked around, helped etc. How could this be made a positive and not a negative?
I kind of answered that myself when asking a group something along the lines of "if there are too many neurons and they need to communicate with each other how? Just say the neurons are people in a room. It is easy for 2 people to communicate if they are the only people, but if the room is full with people, you need to communicate that message to a lot of people to get that message across".....
And that actually is my answer, all those neurons need to be taught that message. That takes time and patience and using the more interesting and strong people in that room to help pass that message on. (Use what the person is interested and focused on and always connect to those neurons by showing you are interested too).
Pass the message by making small incremental changes.
Essentially, the stronger pathways in the brain are based on what interests the child. If you use those pathways to add knowledge (by focussing on what interests them), you will have a much higher success rate than trying to build completely new pathways, (especially trying to make the child do something they don't want to do). Ever tried to learn something when you didn't want to, and had nothing to relate it to, or interest in?
Anyway it is working for Edward and I hope it works for more of you.
Reference to more neurons study:
I feel it makes a big difference for a child on the spectrum. I feel that it works well for all people on and off the spectrum....but those off are more likely to pick up speech etc without this method where as with my son's speech and learning I think this has been imperative.
Some people around the world are doing this, and those willing to write and talk about it I am definitely listening to.
Many parents don't know this information as fact. Many parents still believe their child is just more severe, or have been told their child has a low IQ and won't do well and work on their weaknesses etc.
I wrote this hoping that it made enough sense for some parents to say "hey the other stuff we are doing has not seemed to work, let's give this idea a go, it is working for this person and makes sense."
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